Saturday, February 6, 2010

eksistensi emylia

everytime i walk into he door.
im wishing u're inside.
once u're not there. i turned back.
n say.... he'is here. with me.

mungkin selalu kita pretend to be happy. bila org tny,
dik ko ok dik?
ko ckp btol3 ape da jadik ngn ko?

org ckp ko muda lgi, tak payah nak emo2..
enjoy je dulu.
betul.. at the same time kita mahukan perkara yg kita tak pnh buat
started to explore everything. mmg gila.
kdg2 boleh aje terbuat keputusan mendadak..
...mcm lepas supper terus je pg tgk toothfairy
*di khaskan kepada budak2 perempuan yg bermasalah gigi aje cte ni.
bikin ak jadik sweet mcm tecik2 dulu.heeee.
opz.~! these movie -is juz not emyliahalmy

org1 ckp.
ko tak payah fikir, main2 aje la. wt berat otak je weyh
ko enjoy puas2 tak pyh tunggu dy

org2 ckp.
tanpa keberanian mimpi takkan jadi kenyataan.
apa yg beraninya. apa yg nyatanya.
*tgh selak buku Living Theater, agak2 ad jwpn tak kt ctu?

aku disampaikan ilham utk mencuba.mencuba.
dgn erti kata lain sampai dah btol2 lumat hati ko.
nak tanggung lumat2 tu yg tak sanggup.

as i walked around the park
i might see a cat, once it came over, i might gasp,whisper YOU are too cute.

lets say if the cat is all the way no where,juz 2metres to my left, under the bench
i meant white bench.
 it's not my capability to go for it. *not lousy here
once i started thinkin the cat is trying to have my attention, in desperate.
i might juz say hi! n blah.

*here's the tip from me on : how to find it deeper.
why ami  using the word MIGHT
why would the you is expressed in capital
what is the difference btwn  the cat came over itself -with- 2metres away under the bench.
guess what, i might asking u to think ok THE WHITe BencH
4 real, itu hanya my trick of distraction, mahu anda fkir knp white bench
but act, itu hny propaganda, simply means nothing.

mungkin tak korg fikir at the age of 20 ni
we're trying to do stuff yg mmg teringin sgt nk bwat?
n we need someone by ourside, not for attention
juz simply someone by ourside to share.
if they're not the one. juz wait for the right one.